Calorie counting can be an extremely useful tool, to learn about portion control, macronutrients & energy requirements.
However, it can be extremely overwhelming for A LOT of people, which means that they end up avoiding the subject of nutrition, altogether.
Why not start with the EatWell Plate? First created in 1994 and updated in 2016 to the Eatwell Guide. A great visual to show how to build a balanced diet.
If in doubt, make is simple to understand & easy to follow:
5 fruits & vegetables per day
Starchy Carb with every meal (your main fuel source)
Protein with every meal (for recovery & transportation of nutrients around the body)
Milk & Dairy (Vitamins A / D / B12 & Calcium for bones, teeth & nerves)
Foods high in Fat & Sugars should be eaten in smaller portions & less frequently (this will reduce the risk of developing high cholesterol, hear disease & type 2 diabetes)
For a holistic approach to training get in touch for a consultation.